Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My Boss is a Jerk?

Have you ever thought this?  Have you ever repeated  this?  Did you know that it is not illegal for your boss to be mean, or to be a jerk.  In fact may cases have been lost because the Court have ruled that it is not illegal for your boss to be a Jerk.

Many Clients feel that they have the right to sue, because they were fired or quite because their boss was a jerk. When in reality they have to meet certian criteria before they can sue.

The number one reason for employment law calls to the Arroyo Law Firm is that they were fired, because there boss did not like them.  Our first question is WHY?

If one of our clients is facing troubles at work, the best advise we can give them is DOCUMENT! DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT.

Gathering all the information prior to termination will help us prove your case.

If you believe you have been wrongfully terminated, The Arroyo Law Firm, can assist you. Give us a call for a free Consultation 714-566-4112.


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