Monday, September 19, 2011

Bankruptcy and Student Loans

The website AVVO is a great resource for anyone who has a legal or medical question.  As an attorney, I am interested in seeing what others attorney opinions are.

There are a number of lawyers who have opinions, and their opinions.  From what I have encountered most of their opinions are really spot on. Yes you will have some wrong ones, but there always has to be a bad bean in the bucket.

This Article was written by an attorney who is licensed in California.  However, many of the articles are from out of state so you have to pick and choose which one best fit your local rules. However, in bankruptcy the Federal Rules are universal so a lot of what other attorneys state apply to California as well.

The Article is great resource for your options regarding student loan debt and bankruptcy........ Hopefully it will give you some insight as to what your options are.

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