Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Money for the Pooch?

I find it interesting that you cannot leave your entire fortune to your animal.  This Article is an intersting take on whether your dog or any loved animal should get your money when you die. Not that I have any beloved animal that I am worried about, but I do have an awesome family that I want protected.

This gets me thinking about my family and what would happen if I die, and as an attorney I know I should have something in writing, as I want to make sure my kids are well protected in the event of my husband and my death.

So the question remains do you have your estate in order in case of the unthinkable?   Any estate planning attorney can help you set up a simple will that states what happens to your things (assets) if you were to pass on.

Many people say I don't need a will I do not have any money, but its not the money you need to worry about its the children, and the pets.

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